अस-सलामु अलायकुम/नमस्कार/सत श्री अकाल/ LOTS OF LOVE दोस्तों !
First of all, Your Sairo wholeheartedly welcomes you all to the blog page. So far you have studied the external form of Dharma (Religions). Now we will analyze “Life is neither in the future nor in the past. Life is in this moment.”
जीवन न तो भविष्य में न अतीत में | जीवन तो इस पल में हैँ |
On the analysis of Gautam Buddha’s thoughts on his former blog page 01-July-2021, Your Sairo welcomed Lord Krishna on the most sacred festival of the earth, Eid al-Adha on 21-July-2021.
Sairo had a direct and clear question for him, when you are God, why there are so many Gods in India and other countries? Why there are so many religions? There can only be one God who is the master of the whole earth and the universe.
When Sairo realized the answer to his question, He found him the destroyer and creator of this earth and the universe. Lord Krishna definitely comes to us or in the world once in 24 hours.
Sairo! If you have noticed, you must have found that I don’t even need to touch my hand to destroy this universe and your earth. Didn’t you notice how many creatures, trees, and plants, and how many stars from 01-July-2021 to 21-July-2021 are dead or cut? Your Moon (on the full moon night), and your Sun (at the time of an eclipse (10 July 2021) are cut? Those actions will continue in small forms through my Sudarshan Chakra or Time Chakra.
Later, Krishna tells to us. Please don’t be discouraged at all! I am with you. I love freedom and that is the freedom I see in everything. Even if you don’t cut or kill them, one day my Kala Chakra or the so-called Lord Krishna Chakra or the modern word time) will kill them for the next life, including you, me, and God of the future on earth, the universe, and anything else. Moreover, the inhale-exhale cycle of the breath of any living being also gets cut by the Chakra or so-called time cycle or Kal Chakra. Time or so-called my Chakra will continue to do so and will act as a medium. Sometimes in the form of a great man and his master, sometimes in the form of an earthquake, sometimes in the form of a storm, sometimes in the form of fierce fire, sometimes in the form of an epidemic, sometimes in the form of war, etc. Otherwise, only one community such as human beings, animals, and anything will dominate this earth.
Sairo requests you all enjoy every moment of your life as much as you can, do your best, eat whatever you want (according to your taste) and wear cloth according to your choice. However, when you kill animals, then make arrangements to feed and raise those animals as well. When you cut a tree, do planting at that place. This is knowledge, love, and care and Lord Krishna’s law of Karma.
If you wait for God, His complexion and name both the meaning are Black, and He comes only when your eyes are closed for the new birth. He is Lord Krishna. Whether you close your eyes for a day or forever.
You meditate on any deity, first, you close your eyes and you see black. I consider such meditation to be futile, in which I close my eyes and meditate on the image of a deity other than Lord Krishna. He has not imposed any restrictions on you, He has sent you as the Master of the earth and its care and enjoyment are in your hands. If you fail to save his earth or universe, he comes in any form to balance it. This is spirituality.
I am sorry, the one who found Lord Krishna, either called himself God, God Messenger or changed his God. Or rather, he could never find God. Some Great Human beings did not even realize his death and assumed him immortal then someone found God dead in the test of logic and rule the world accordingly.
If any saint and community shout that Lord is one and his name is Lord Krishna, then the Lord of this earth would be one and you all would be focused and happy by birth. If your question is “Who is God?”
However, it never happens. Lord Krishna keeps changing something through any medium without touching it first. Lord Krishna has also been said to confuse the intellect. If you read the thoughts of any saint about any culture, you will observe and realize only and only thoughts of Lord Krishna. Be it someone’s sacrifice, love, and war. Those deeds have been done by Lord Krishna. Even the thoughts that you think are also the thoughts of Krishna. You mankind can rule almost everything. However! Lord Krishna rules your life-death, your thinking, and you too. He sends someone as born disabled, someone gets damaged in the middle of life and finally whoever it is, gets killed one day. He has done the birth-death or creation-destruction of all the things of the universe before its birth or says that in the void or zero stage or before it(-0). He has also ensured, who will die, be safe, and demolish from when, how, and from whose hands and other mediums?
Hence, I prove that Lord Krishna is the God of the earth and universe and he comes in the form of black, dark, or shadow at the time of death or while you sleep to create new thoughts, Zeal, freshness, new life, a new era, a new generation a new talent, and a new time. It doesn’t matter When you close your eyes for a Zeptosecond or forever to relax. Whenever you close your eyes, he is with you. Your Science also states that the world’s normal human death rate is 1.80 approx in 1 second. If I talk about micro-organisms. You can not even imagine the death rate in zeptosecond. He always gives you the next life for a day or after death to perform the best. Lord Krishna has fixed the time limit for all the happenings of this universe like birth-death and creation-destruction in zero states itself. You only see birth-death and creation-destruction with your naked eyes. While those actions happen very quickly. Whether you do or don’t you will die for a new life.
Some Examples are Ravana and his thought about Ram (If you are God then why apartheid? God can not avoid anything. Why did Lakshmana avoid Shurpanakha? (Ravana, Shuprnakha, and his family were completely black and ugly with big and wide noses). Later kidnapped Sita to take revenge) Finally, he was killed by Ram and people started to call him Lord or King. Ram also established Srilanka King Vibhishana and the rest of people’s life. In other words, The God word started from Kreta Yuga or Ram Yuga. Ram and Lakshman were so white and handsome people on Earth and Sita was so white and charming lady on Earth with two handsome kids Lava-Kush (लव-कुश)- We will discuss Lava-Kush life and who were Homo sapiens later…………
Finally, Lord Krishna cleared Ram’s thoughts (If you were God then why did you avoid Shurpanakha an ugly lady, and leave Maa Sita on the basis of Character? Whereas you were virtuous and firm in words. Then how did you forget the 7 vows of marriage and the 7 rounds? God must love everyone) and cleared Lord Ram’s thoughts in front of the world and came on the earth with a black complexion, so that black people also set and settle their life and unite the world and declared him God of the earth and set free life do whatever you want and enjoy every second of your life with the best deeds (that is love care and balance the earth). You can also say him the incarnation of Rama.
Based on those grounds, Lord Krishna and his thoughts (Why didn’t Krishna call Ram as the God of the earth and universe, so the world followed Ram as Lord ) were killed by Lord Buddha. [Those are my opinions and views about Why so many religions on the earth and how they came]
However, Lord Buddha found Krishna as a God and never explained him as God in front of the world and proved himself as a God and expressed loved and ideology, and established New Dharma (Buddhism). You can call this the modified Hindi religion of the earth, on the basis of which other religions get started. Later, all other God messengers and Guru created religions, days, festivals, and robes to confirm the majority of their community in the same way on the basis of logic, power, cruelty, and on the basis of all the above are just a myth or stories.
Death is another name of Lord Krishna for the new life or time. Even those who lose their senses in anger or enthusiasm and kill someone or anything. That time limit is also composed by Lord Krishna and finally, the killers and doers will also die one day for a new life according to karma.
Even Lord Krishna has not set himself free from death in human being form. He keeps himself also in his rule of karma. However, He always comes when you, me, and the animals close their eyes and when it gets night (you always find him in dark form) for plants and extra. If I talk about the world and the universe, then whenever there is night or there is a dark shadow. If I talk about Antarctica and the Universe (You may calculate the universe and the world’s Day and Night duration from our earth’s standard time of 24 Hrs. You will find somewhere Day and Night or Black (Krishna).
Lord Krishna is known as Vasudeva’s son on earth. Similarly, Ram Son of Dashratha. However, Lord Krishna, Radha(Her Lover) Rukmini His wife, Ram, Sita, and Ravana are the creations of Lord Shiva and Maa Kali. (Please keep your mindset pure while reading this.) They had come through the medium on the earth.
Any human being, animal or anything is a combination of Lord Shiva(White) and Goddess Kali(Black). Your science also talks about Living things, Non-living things, Melanin, Light, Big Bang, Universe, black holes, Galaxies, Stars born, Reproduction(Sperm-ova or egg cells), Earth, Sky, etc. You will find Black or White or a combination of Black and White (Grey) somewhere, Either Metals and Non-metals (Carbon), molecules, Elements, or anything. For sure!
Lord Shiva is a completely white complexion or light and Mahakali is a completely black complexion or dark black and always flows in light (white) and darkness Black to become in the Zero state (-0)}. If you look at the nature of light, then you will observe only a black surface opposite of the light and when lights move ahead no matter how big the length of light is, it eventually turns into darkness in the end at an infinite level(∞) which you may say is black hole or dark. light again starts from this infinite level too. Whenever you see light there will be black. Either the opposite side of light or at the endpoint Infinite level of LIGHT. It is completely BLACK HOLES. It is the union of Lord Shiva and Mother Kali who created the universe, stars, galaxies, earth, water air, plants animals, then human beings extra. I request you to keep your mindset clean and clear, please. I have not seen any monkeys, Apes, or chimpanzees becoming humans in so many thousands of years till now.
Both positive and negative energy, Humen Beings, and anything are the creation of Lord Shiva and Maa Kali. Lord Shiva and Maa Kali always send Lord Krishna to smash the earth if it is beyond of control. However, Lord Krishna is always with you when you close your eyes. In other words, he never went from the earth. He always moves in the form of black shadows and dark without being in human form. Either on the earth or the universe.
Lord Krishna in human form is predestined in zero state (0). He will keep coming in human form to put the earth and the universe to sleep and to wake them up again from time to time.
Lord Krishna always leaves this animal world with some human beings, animals, and plants with this assurance that he will come. With the passage of time, Lord Krishna’s followers believe in Lord Krishna and his rules and religion (Hindu Dharma) only and the rest ignore them based on cruelty and destroyer of the earth. This sequence will be continued on Earth.
I hope Your Geeta and its quotes have been analyzed in one attempt. If you read my blog from the outside, You will find Islam Religion and you will find not only the God of the earth Lord Krishna(Black) [वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्], even the universe too. He is the son of Lord Shiva and Maa Kali. Lord Krishna went on to Mother Maa Kali which is why he is completely dark black. If you want, you can also meditate on Maa Kali or Lord Shiva. Please remember you will close your eyes first. Mother Kali’s (Black) complexion also presents the love and care for black kids and all.
He keeps control of the earth and universe too and confuses the intellect of the intelligent and keeps cutting everything through his Sudarshan chakra or Kal Chakra or Time Chakra first. Rest all the things are myths and stories of Hindu Gods.
आप जब कभी मेरे ब्लॉग को बाहर से देखेंगे तो इस्लाम धर्म पाएंगे | ऐसा क्यों हैं ?
इस धरती के सारे धर्म, जीव -जंतु , प्राणी , पेड़ -पौधे और यहाँ तक की सारी कायनात ने इस्लाम कबूल कर रखा हैं | सभी चीजें सलामत रहना चाहती हैं |
अब आप खुद को और अन्य मनुष्यों को देख लीजिये | सब अपने , अपने परिवार , काम , कारोबार कि सलामती और लंबी आयु की दिन -रात दुआ मांगते हैं और जानें -अनजाने में मौत की तरफ़ बढ़ते हुए परमेश्वर कृष्ण के हाथों हलाल होना चाहते हैं | जो परमेश्वर कृष्ण और हिन्दू धर्म के विरुद्ध हैं | फ़िर आप सब कि सोच हो सकती हैं , सायरो ने सभी देवी -देवताओं को , हम सबको और सभी धर्मो को इस्लाम बना दिया | ये सब आप सबकी दुआओं और प्रार्थना का तो असर हैं | किन्तु ! ऐसा नहीं हैँ |
अब हिन्दू धर्म का रहस्य जान लीजिये |
अब परमेश्वर कृष्ण के और मेरे विचारों का विश्लेषण करते हैं |
जो धरती या ब्रह्माण्ड में आया हैं वह जायेगा | इस विचार को एक चक्र मान लीजिए – अब “जो आ रहा हैं, वह जा रहा हैं | जो जा रहा हैं, वह आ रहा हैं | यह क्रिया सतत हैं और सदा चलती रहेगी | और! जन्म हैं तो मृत्यु हैं मृत्यु हैं तो जन्म हैं
यही मेरे परमेश्वर कृष्ण ने कहा हैं – जीवन न भूत में हैं न भविष्य में | जीवन तो इस पल में हैं |
English version:
Whenever you see my blog from outside, you will find Islam religion. Why is it so?
All the religions of this earth, animals, human beings, trees and plants and even the entire universe have accepted Islam. All things want to be safe and long or permanent.
Now you see yourself and other human beings. Everyone prays day and night for the safety and long life of themselves, their families, work, and business. Knowingly and unknowingly moving towards death, they want to be halal with the hands of Lord Krishna which is against Lord Krishna and the Hindu religion. Then all of you may think, Sairo converted all the Gods/Goddesses, all of us and all religions into Islam. All these are the effect of your blessings and prayers. However! It is not so.
Now know the secret of the Hindu religion.
Now let us analyze the thoughts of Supreme Lord Krishna and mine.
What has come on earth or in the universe will go. Consider this thought as a Time cycle or Cycle , now, “whatever is coming is going” This action is continuous and will be continued forever”.
In the same way, Lord Krishna has said – life is neither in the past nor in the future. Life is in this moment.
Yes! The process can definitely take place with or without the form and body.
Again I say “I love freedom and that is the freedom I see in everything. Not following any religion is also a religion. Which is called unrighteousness. You may also love your religion. Hence you can not be free from religion. ” The choice is yours!
I respect all religions. Every religion has a big role and they have rituals, deeds, and rules to maintain and balance the earth. However, I love and respect the Islaam religion only the most. Why so? You may read our Nature of Karma Blog.
This is a brief description of the Nature of Karma. Below.
If I write on karma in childish antics, then the God of Islam advises slaughtering cows on every Eid, then the God of the world Lord Krishna not only cuts the moon with Sudarshan Chakra or Kaal Chakra on every Eid but also cuts everything. The sun sets in the evening, don’t know how many animals, plants, stars, and even the breathing cycle of cows get cut off………..before the Eid moon is Slighted. जीवन न तो भविष्य में न अतीत में | जीवन तो इस पल में हैँ |
If you talk about God. There is one God who keeps an eye on all religions and Karma who is Lord Krishna. His biggest task is to run this world and maintain the balance of this world and the universe with all those actions. However, he created the Hindu religion with all those deeds and rules………………………
Otherwise, at one point of time———
As a result of which humans ——–
Now what is the nature of karma and Karma analysis, “What we cook that, we get? ” For more details, we request you to read our paid blog “NATURE OF KARMA” of 29-Aug-2020.