अस-सलामु अलायकुम/नमस्कार/सत श्री अकाल/ LOTS OF LOVE दोस्तों !
Sairo truly appreciates your feedback and comments and as always warmly welcomes your love and blessings. Sairo always tries to write something new, so that Sairo may touch your heart, therefore, he delays. Sairo has also learnt from all of you that customers and blog readers are the most important visitors. Hence, Sairo does not compromise on the word given to you. Sairo has received many comments to analyze the thoughts of Lord Buddha again. We will start the next blog by analyzing the great thoughts of Lord Buddha from July-2021. Once again, Sairo wholeheartedly welcomes your love, blessing, and support.
We regret to inform you that we have stopped publishing feedback and ratings due to our Blog Reader’s high expectations and our Client’s confidential purposes. Sairo needs time to write something new, so, he may touch your heart. We will truly appreciate your patience and cooperation here.
Until then get vaccinated. Protect yourself as well as your family, please!